01. Install Google App Engine

Install Google App Engine


Make sure you are downloading Python 2 rather than Python 3, as this is what Google App Engine uses!

Changes to Google App Engine

The Google App Engine system (now part of Google Cloud) has changed a lot since this course was created. You will need to create an app with a new, unique name using the Developer Console before you can deploy it. For more information, take a look at these guides written by Udacity mentor Steven Wooding: (Windows), (Mac and Linux)

Installing Python on Linux

If you're on a Mac or Linux machine, open a terminal and type 'python -v' at the prompt. If it returns some information about Python, then you already have Python installed! If not, then Mac users can follow the instructions in the video, and Linux users can use their package managers instead.

For Ubuntu or Debian, type 'sudo apt-get install python' into your terminal, then your password. For Fedora, type 'sudo yum install python' into your terminal, then your password. For other Linux distros, their should be documentation available for your specific package manager.

Running Google App Engine on Mac OS

Unfortunately Google no longer supports the GoogleAppengineLauncher program that Steve demonstrates in this video. You follow use the instructions below for Linux, or you can download the deprecated GoogleAppengineLauncher installer from the "Supporting Materials" list below. Warning: Use the GoogleAppengineLauncher program at your own peril! As Google no longer supports the tool it may stop working in the future. The `gcloud` command-line program is the currently supported tool.

Running Google App Engine on Linux

To run the Development Web Server locally, run:

dev_appserver.py myapp

Where myapp is the name you want your app to have.

To upload your code to Google App Engine, run:

appcfg.py update helloworld/

Where helloworld/ is the directory you're running your web app from.

Further help is available here and here